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Barbara Carroll – CV

  • Barbara CarrollA creative sustainability and environmental planner specialising in the use of appraisal and impact assessment processes to inform decision-making on policies, plans and development projects. She has a particular interest and expertise in the interactions for resolving issues, finding synergies and innovation between sectors.
  • Barbara has extensive experience of SA, SEA, EqIA, HIA, HRA, SIA and EIA in all sectors and at all levels over 25 years; she has been involved in over 300 SA/SEAs. This includes contentious plans and projects, such as nuclear power, on-shore oil & gas; undertaking compliance reviews; successfully supporting Councils against SEA legal challenge; development of methods & preparation of guidance especially for local & central government and environmental regulators. Her research interests are in the interconnectedness of development planning, environmental quality, and communities/health & well-being.
  • She is an inspirational facilitator in stakeholder engagement, for example, visioning & strategic options for spatial planning, sustainability & green infrastructure strategies, SA/SEA and EIA. Barbara also undertakes training, for example, on SA & SEA for IEMA, MEPA, Environment Agency and local authorities.
  • She has presented and published variously on sustainable development, SA, SEA, EIA and planning for sustainable water management; she is the co-author of the acclaimed EIA Handbook (Telfords, 2009).

University of BathTutor in Planning, Policy & Regulation, University of Bath (2012 to date)
Integrated Environmental Management – international distance learning accredited courses. www.bath.ac.uk/engineering/distance-learning/iem/index.html

  • Chair of Cabinet (2001-4) & Fellow of Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
  • Member Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment Chair of Special Interest Group Environmental Assessment

Also see Barbara on Linked-In